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Here are a few samples of my published translations.

The T

The Dolls' Room, by Llorenç Villalonga. Catalan-English. The Dalkey Archive Press, 2010.

Remarks on 21 Works, by Rafael Moneo. Spanish-English. The Monacelli Press, 2010.

El Roto, OPS, Rábago. Un viatge de mil dimonis (i un parell d'àngels). Catalan and Spanish - English. Centre d'Art Tecla Sala, Barcelona, 2012.

Miró and Sert in Their Own Words: Correspondence 1937-1980, Patricia Juncosa Vecchierini, ed., Catalan and Spanish - English. CENDEAC, Murcia, 2009.

Miró-Sert. La construcció d'una amistat, Catalan, Spanish, and French - English.  Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró, Mallorca, 2006.

Rafael Moneo, Diseñador, Juli Capella. Spanish-English. Santa & Cole/ETSAB, Barcelona, 2003.

El Danubio azul, Ludwig Bemelmans. English-Spanish. Translated with Mariano López Carrillo. Ediciones Barataria, Barcelona, 2007.

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